Repository inventory ==================== .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :class: inventory * - repo - description * - `bioconda-recipes `_ - Recipes that are automatically built * - `bioconda-utils `_ - The build system that orchestrates everything * - `bioconda-docs `_ - Home of the documentation * - `bioconda-common `_ - Centralized location for installation/config * - `bioconda-containers `_ - Dockerfiles and CI config for building :ref:`bioconda containers ` * - ` `_ - Docs built by bioconda-docs are pushed here for hosting by GitHub * - `bioconda-stats `_ - Gathers and stores statistics from the bioconda channel * - `bioconda-plots `_ - Converts data from bioconda-stats into plots used by the docs * - `bioconda-paper `_ - Code and data for generating the figures in * - `bioconda-tests `_ - Intended to trigger periodic tests of all packages * - `bioconda-outreach `_ - Presentations and training materials * - `bioconda-actions `_ - DEPRECATED, previously used for factoring out GitHub Actions * - `bioconda-repodata-patches `_ - DEPRECATED, this is now moved to the corresponding `recipe `_ * - `bioconda-extended-base-image `_ - DEPRECATED, this is now handled in `bioconda-containers `_ * - ` `_ - Docker containers