GCB 2020 Tutorial ================= What exactly is Conda? ---------------------- - A package and environment manager - Like apt/yum, but much more flexible - Environments are isolated from each other - User-contributed package recipes - Different “channels”, can create your own - Updated constantly - Prebuilt binaries - Linked to libraries in the same environment |tutorial-conda-miniconda-anaconda| .. |tutorial-conda-miniconda-anaconda| image:: tutorial-conda-miniconda-anaconda.jpg :class: no-scaled-link :width: 75% :align: middle Conda packages -------------- - Specific versions - Various sources ("channels") - Defined requirements - Usually from the same or predefined other channels :: . ├── info │ └── recipe │ ├── conda_build_config.yaml │ ├── meta.yaml │ └── parent └── site-packages ├── snakemake └── snakemake-5.24.0.dist-info └── LICENSE.md Conda channels -------------- .. table:: :class: tutorial :width: 100% +------------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | .. graphviz:: | .. graphviz:: | .. graphviz:: | | | | | | digraph { | digraph { | digraph { | | "Channel 1" | "Channel 2" | "Channel 3" | | [fillcolor=red style=filled]; | [fillcolor=red style=filled]; | [fillcolor=red style=filled]; | | } | } | } | +====================================+====================================+====================================+ | | package-1.2.3 | | dependency-1.1.2 | | libgcc-ng-9.3.0 | | | package-1.2.2 | | package-1.2.3 | | libcurl-7.71.1 | | | package-1.2.1 | | package-1.2.0 | | zlib-1.2.11 | | | package-1.0.0alpha2 | | package-1.2.1 | | numpy-1.19.1 | | | package-1.0.0alpha1 | | package-1.2.0 | | scipy-1.5.2 | | | | | pysam- | | | | | | | samtools-1.10 | | | | | | | snakemake-5.24.0 | | | +------------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ .. Conda channels -------------- - conda-forge: Most dependencies (numpy, scipy, zlib, CRAN packages, etc.) - bioconda: Most bioinf packages (salmon, STAR, samtools, DESeq2, etc.) - defaults: Packages built by Anaconda Inc. - Order matters! Use this one: .. code-block:: sh $ conda config --show channels channels: - conda-forge - bioconda - defaults $ conda config --prepend channels bioconda $ conda config --prepend channels conda-forge Finding Packages ---------------- - Search https://anaconda.org - Use ``conda search`` .. code-block:: sh $ conda search pysam Loading channels: done # Name Version Build Channel [...] pysam 0.16.0 py36h71d3148_1 bioconda pysam 0.16.0 py36h873a209_0 bioconda pysam 0.16.0 py37ha9a96c6_0 bioconda pysam 0.16.0 py37hc501bad_1 bioconda pysam py27ha863e18_1 bioconda pysam py36h4c34d4e_1 bioconda pysam py36h71d3148_0 bioconda pysam py37hc334e0b_1 bioconda pysam py37hc501bad_0 bioconda pysam py38hbdc2ae9_1 bioconda - Packages have versions, build numbers, build hashes/strings - Build hashes include dependency information - Bioconda packages are also listed at http://bioconda.github.io/conda-package_index.html Practical 1 ----------- What are the most recent versions of samtools and Snakemake? .. code-block:: sh $ conda search samtools | tail -n1 samtools 1.10 h9402c20_2 bioconda $ conda search snakemake | tail -n1 snakemake 5.24.0 1 bioconda Conda environments ------------------ - A (mostly) self-contained directory with a set of compatible packages - Uses links to reduce disk space when possible .. table:: :class: tutorial +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | :: | .. graphviz:: | | | | | ├── bin | digraph { | | ├── conda-meta | rankdir="LR"; | | ├── envs | node [fillcolor=red style=filled]; | | │ ├── tutorial | "pkgs/foo" -> "env1/foo"; | | │ ├── pysam | "pkgs/foo" -> "env2/foo"; | | │ ├── samtools | "pkgs/foo" -> "env3/foo"; | | │ └── snakemake | } | | ├── etc +---------------------------------------------------------+ | ├── include | .. code-block:: sh | | ├── lib | | | ├── libexec | $ ls -1i **/bin/samtools | | ├── pkgs | 116889197 envs/tutorial/bin/samtools | | └── share | 116889197 envs/samtools/bin/samtools | | | 116889197 pkgs/samtools-1.10-h2e538c0_3/bin/samtools | +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ .. Conda environments ------------------ - Linking is relative to packages! - No more conflicting dependencies between versions! .. code-block:: sh $ ldd -r envs/samtools/bin/samtools linux-vdso.so.1 => (0x00007ffc684ef000) libhts.so.3 => /home/gcb2020/conda/envs/samtools/bin/../lib/libhts.so.3 (0x00007f32c8eac000) libtinfow.so.6 => /home/gcb2020/conda/envs/samtools/bin/../lib/libtinfow.so.6 (0x00007f32c8e6c000) libncursesw.so.6 => /home/gcb2020/conda/envs/samtools/bin/../lib/libncursesw.so.6 (0x00007f32c8e2f000) libm.so.6 => /lib64/libm.so.6 (0x00007f32c8ad0000) libz.so.1 => /home/gcb2020/conda/envs/samtools/bin/../lib/libz.so.1 (0x00007f32c8e11000) [...] Conda environments -- common commands ------------------------------------- - ``conda info --envs`` (or ``conda env list``) - Lists available environments .. code-block:: sh $ conda info --envs # conda environments: # base * /home/gcb2020/conda tutorial /home/gcb2020/conda/envs/tutorial pysam /home/gcb2020/conda/envs/pysam samtools /home/gcb2020/conda/envs/samtools snakemake /home/gcb2020/conda/envs/snakemake - You start in ``base`` - The ``*`` indicates the active environment .. Conda environments -- common commands ------------------------------------- - ``conda create``/``conda env remove`` - Create/remove environments .. code-block:: sh $ conda create --name=myenv python=3.8 numpy 'pysam>=0.16' $ conda env remove --name=myenv - Packages can have versions specified - Min/max versions can be specified .. Conda environments -- common commands ------------------------------------- - ``conda activate``/``conda deactivate`` - Activates/deactivates an environment .. code-block:: sh $ command -v samtools $ conda activate samtools $ command -v samtools /home/gcb2020/conda/envs/samtools/bin/samtools $ conda deactivate $ command -v samtools - You can "stack" environments with ``conda activate --stack ...`` .. Conda environments -- common commands ------------------------------------- - ``conda install``/``conda remove`` - ``conda list`` .. code-block:: sh $ conda activate myenv $ conda install snakemake ... a lot of status output ... $ conda list ... many packages ... $ conda remove snakemake .. tip:: - Keep your ``base`` env clean! (only the package manager + its deps) - Generously create/remove environments for different tools/workflows! Introducing ``mamba`` --------------------- - Newer package manager called ``mamba`` - A reimplementation of ``conda`` - Compatible with ``conda`` - Installed beside ``conda`` in the ``base`` environment - Much faster than ``conda`` - Native binary, C++ code - Uses another dependency solver, ``libsolv`` - Does not suffer from a yet-to-be-fixed bug in ``conda`` - ``conda`` may install older versions of ``snakemake`` - unless ``conda config --prepend repodata_fns repodata.json`` is set Practical 2 ----------- - Let's create some new environments! - But first make sure that - ``conda`` is up to date - The correct channel order is in place .. code-block:: sh $ conda activate base $ conda update --all $ conda --version conda 4.8.4 $ conda config --show channels channels: - conda-forge - bioconda - defaults $ conda config --show-sources ==> /home/gcb2020/.condarc <== channels: - conda-forge - bioconda - defaults $ conda info Practical 2.1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Create a new environment named "mapping" with ``bwa-mem2`` and ``pysamstats`` - What versions of ``numpy`` and ``python`` got installed in it? .. code-block:: sh $ conda create --name=mapping bwa-mem2 pysamstats $ conda activate mapping $ conda list | grep -E '^(python|numpy)\>' numpy 1.19.1 py38hbc27379_2 conda-forge python 3.8.5 h1103e12_7_cpython conda-forge $ conda list '^(numpy|python)$' Practical 2.2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Create a new environment for Snakemake with ``mamba`` .. code-block:: sh $ conda install --name=base mamba $ mamba --version mamba 0.5.1 conda 4.8.4 $ mamba create --name=snakemake snakemake $ conda activate snakemake $ snakemake --version 5.24.0 Conda environments -- common commands ------------------------------------- - ``conda env export``/``conda env create`` - Exports or creates an environment from a YAML file .. code-block:: sh $ conda env export --no-builds > env.yaml $ conda env create --name=more-map-and-call --file=env.yaml $ head env.yaml name: map-and-call channels: - conda-forge - bioconda - defaults dependencies: - _libgcc_mutex=0.1 - _openmp_mutex=4.5 - bcftools=1.10.2 - blis=0.7.0 Common pitfalls --------------- - Wrong channel order - Installing packages in your ``base`` env - Manually manipulating ``$PYTHONPATH`` - Avoid manually (i.e., not via ``conda``/``mamba``) installed packages Conda package recipes --------------------- .. code-block:: sh $ tree -A recipes/varlociraptor recipes/varlociraptor/ ├── build.sh └── meta.yaml - ``meta.yaml`` is required - optional: - ``build.sh`` - (small) test files - license file ``meta.yaml`` sections ---------------------- - ``package``: name and version - ``source``: url and SHA256/MD5 checksums - ``build``: build number, platforms to skip, "noarch" information - ``requirements``: packages for building, linking, running - ``test``: commands/imports - ``about``: webpage, license, summary of what the package does - ``extras``: comments, maintainers, etc. ``package`` ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: yaml+jinja package: name: unifrac version: 0.20.0 Can also use Jinja variables: .. code-block:: yaml+jinja {% set version = "0.20.0" %} package: name: unifrac version: {{ version }} ``source`` ^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: yaml+jinja source: url: https://github.com/biocore/unifrac/archive/{{ version }}.tar.gz sha256: e2692c683fddc6450ca4da049112b00264cf61aef1071d2ebc0f0539b86611b8 - Avoid ``git_url``/``svn_url`` - Only actual releases, no alpha/beta ``build`` ^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: yaml+jinja build: number: 0 - Reset to ``0`` with new releases - Increment with each change for same version - Can skip build on conditions .. code-block:: yaml+jinja build: number: 0 skip: True # [osx or py<36] .. ``build`` ^^^^^^^^^ - ``noarch`` is useful, but has special semantics - ``generic``: No platform-specific code (Java, pure Perl, pure R, etc.) .. code-block:: yaml+jinja build: number: 0 noarch: generic - ``python``: Pure Python packages, one build -> all versions .. code-block:: yaml+jinja build: number: 0 noarch: python - Not usable with ``# [condition]`` selectors - Only if using ``noarch: python``: - use ``- python >=3.0`` instead of ``skip: True # [py<30]`` .. ``build`` ^^^^^^^^^ - You can include entire build command .. code-block:: yaml+jinja build: number: 0 noarch: python script: {{ PYTHON }} -m pip install . --no-deps -vv - Alternatively, use ``build.sh`` for "more involved" installs .. code-block:: sh $ cat build.sh # !/usr/bin/env bash "${PYTHON}" -m pip install . --no-deps -vv - There are more predefined `environment variables in conda-build `_ ``requirements`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: yaml+jinja requirements: build: - {{ compiler('c') }} host: - htslib - zlib run: - htslib - zlib - ``build``: Compilers, preprocessors, etc. - ``host``: Anything linked against - ``run``: All other dependencies - Use compiler functions (``{{ compiler('cxx') }}`` and such) A note on "pinnings" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Packages need to be compatible - Same compiler per platform - Same ``htslib``/``numpy``/``zlib``/``libcurl``/etc. versions - Above are "pinned" .. code-block:: sh $ conda search samtools | tail -n1 samtools 1.10 h9402c20_2 bioconda - The hash ``h9402c20`` above is specific to the used pinning - Bioconda uses `conda-forge-pinning `_ - Version ranges are very useful! .. code-block:: yaml+jinja - importlib_metadata >=1.7.0,<2.0.0 - pysam >=0.16,<0.17 - python >=3.7 - pyyaml >=5.3,<6 ``test`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: yaml+jinja test: imports: - vembrane commands: - vembrane --help - Keep it simple/quick but functional - No large test files - ``imports`` works for Python/Perl ``about``/``extra`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: yaml-jinja about: home: https://github.com/vembrane/vembrane license: MIT license_file: LICENSE summary: Filter VCF/BCF files with Python expressions. extra: recipe-maintainers: - felixmoelder - mbargull - Please include ``license`` and ``license_file``! Don't fear skeletons -------------------- - Making recipes manually takes time - Many common sources are automated .. code-block:: sh $ mkdir recipe $ cd recipe $ conda-skeleton pypi vembrane - Skeletons for: PyPI, CPAN, CRAN - For CRAN: https://github.com/bgruening/conda_r_skeleton_helper - CRAN packages belong on conda-forge if possible! - For PyPI: ``grayskull`` is a newer/improved implentation - We (Bioconda) already make ALL Bioconductor packages - On `bioconda-recipes `_, recipes are in ``recipes/`` Practical 3 ----------- Make a new ``cutadapt`` recipe .. code-block:: sh $ conda create --name=conda-build conda-build $ conda activate conda-build $ mkdir recipes $ cd recipes $ conda-skeleton pypi cutadapt $ $EDITOR cutadapt/meta.yaml # edit build, host requirements, license_file Common problems --------------- - Compiling C/C++ packages can be troublesome - The compiler is NOT called ``gcc`` - Installed into ``$PREFIX`` - Library dependencies are in ``$PREFIX/lib`` .. code-block:: sh $ cat build.sh #! /usr/bin/env bash make install \ CC="${CC}" \ CXX="${CXX}" \ CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" \ CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS}" \ LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" \ prefix="${PREFIX}" Practical 4 and/or Q&A ---------------------- - `bioconda-recipes `_ tour? - Want to contribute new packages? - Anything you need but could not find in Bioconda? - Candidates from the GCB 2020 book of abstracts: - `BiCoN `_: Python package - `MeDeMo `_: JAR file - `STITCHIT `_: C++/CMake - `TEPIC `_: Python + R + C++ - `PrediTALE `_: JAR file - `InstantDL `_: Python package - `FilterFFPE `_: pending addition to Bioconductor - Questions?