The bulk branch

Changed on 2025-01-04: Updated based on recent BioC 3.20 builds

The bulk branch is used for large-scale maintenance tasks, like supporting a new version of Python or building all bioconductor-* recipes for a new release of Bioconductor. These tasks can take up substantial compute time, so they are run on separate CI workflows to avoid disrupting normal daily activity in the bioconda-recipes repository.

The bulk branch immediately uploads successfully built packages to Anaconda. As such, only the bioconda core team has the ability to push to this branch.

Managing a bulk run

  1. Merge master into bulk. Start with a clean slate by merging master into bulk, preferring what’s on master:

    git checkout bulk
    git merge master -s recursive -X theirs

    There may be a few remaining conflicts to fix; in all cases you should prefer what’s on the master branch.

  2. Make initial changes. Typically one person is responsible for this part.

    • For pinning updates, see Updating pinnings

    • For Bioconductor releases, see update-bioconductor

    • If a Bioconductor release also uses a new R version, complete a pinning migration first. You will need to wait for (or better yet, help out with) conda-forge building packages for the new R version. See update-bioconductor for more details.

    • For other changes, you will likely need to write your own tooling.

  3. Commit and push these changes to bulk.

  4. Start a run. Use bioconda-utils bulk-trigger-ci to start a run. Or include the string [ci run] in a commit message.

  5. Address build failures. Inspect all build failures (see Handling build failures). This is the time consuming part. For each failure, decide whether the recipe shall be skiplisted or whether you would like to fix it. In general, spend time to fix highly depended-upon packages and anything else that is obvious and easy. For the rest, mark the recipes as skiplisted in the build failure file. It will be ignored by subsequent CI runs and put into a table in the bioconda-recipes wiki. This strategy is good because the bulk branch update should be performed as fast as possible to avoid redundant work between master and bulk. Also, skiplisting democratizes the update effort.

    • Push commits as soon as they are done, so other people know the build failure has been addressed. It may be helpful to prefix your commit message with the recipe name, for easy viewing on the bulk branch Actions dashboard or with git log --oneline --pretty=format:"%ad %an %s"  --date=iso | grep -v "ci skip" | grep -v "ci run" | less

    • Your local branch may be out of date with the remote, since the bulk runs commit any build failure yamls. So a typical series of commands is git commit ..., git pull origin bulk --rebase, git push origin bulk.

  6. Iterate. If no untreated failure remains, run bioconda-utils bulk-trigger-ci to start another run, address build failures, and start another run. Warning, this process can take weeks. See Notes on working with bulk branch for some pointers.

  7. Merge master into bulk again. Once all the packages have either been successfully built or skiplisted, locally pull the master branch and merge it into bulk. Usually, conflicts can occur here due to build-numbers having been increased in the master branch while you did your changes in bulk. For such cases, increase the build number to max(build_number_master, build_number_bulk) and commit all of those. Repeat this until master is merged without any conflicts.

  8. Update for master Ensure that bioconda-common/ points to the same version of bioconda-utils that the bulk branch has been using.

  9. Merge bulk into master. Open a PR to merge bulk into master and merge it.

  10. Work on fixing skiplisted recipes. Shortly afterwards, you will find all remaining build failures in the bioconda-recipes wiki. You can let your colleagues and the community know about the updated build failure table and ask for help. In addition, any automatic or manual updates to recipes on this list that succeed will automatically remove them from this list over time.

Updating pinnings

Bioconda uses conda-forge-pinning for consistency with the conda-forge ecosystem. You can read more about global pinnings in the corresponding conda-forge docs.

Bioconda also uses bioconda-specific pinning which has some overrides and bioinformatics-specific pinnings.

Pinnings are typically updated in an ad hoc fashion, but generally coincide with version bumps in underlying packages, or when we are ready to support a new Python or R version. Here is what you need to do:

  1. Follow the Merge master into bulk step in Managing a bulk run.

  2. Update conda-forge-pinning in bioconda-utils requirements.

  3. Update bioconda pinnings. This may take a few tries; you may need to make changes to match conda-forge’s pinnings. Merge these changes into the master branch of bioconda-utils (which will create or update a Release Please PR). Merge in the Release Please PR to create a new version of bioconda-utils.

  4. Update (see here) only on the bulk branch in bioconda-common, to match the newly-updated bioconda-utils version. Changing the pinnings will likely trigger many recipes to require rebuilding. Since the bioconda-recipes/bulk branch reads from the bioconda-common/bulk branch, this allows bulk to run a different version of bioconda-utils. Once a bulk migration is complete, you can update the master branch of bioconda-common to point to the bioconda-utils version used for bulk.

  5. Run bioconda-utils update-pinnings in the bulk branch. This will go through all the pinnings, figure out what recipes they’re used with, and bump the recipes’ build numbers appropriately. Note, this may take a few GB of RAM and a bit of time.

  6. IMPORTANT: if you are also doing a Bioconductor release with a new version of R, then revert changes to all Bioconductor packages from the above command with git checkout -- recipes/bioconductor-*. This way, we avoid new builds of BioC packages for a new version of R that they may not be compatible with. Once the pinning updates have been completed on bulk by following the rest of the steps in Managing a bulk run, then start over again but follow the Updating Bioconductor steps to make the initial changes on bulk.

Then continue following the steps in Managing a bulk run.

Updating Bioconductor

Bioconductor gets updated twice a year (spring and fall). All Bioconductor packages are designed to work together within a Bioconductor release, so we need to update all packages simultaneously, building packages in order of the dependency tree.

Bioconductor releases are tied to an R version. We need to wait until conda-forge finishes, or at least gets to an advanced stage of building packages for the new version of R.

To view the current status of a conda-forge r-base migration, visit the conda-forge status dashboard. In the bioconda-recipes repository, use the script to generate a list of all incomplete packages that are referenced in a bioconda recipe. Example: python ./scripts/bioconductor/ --format markdown --migration_id r-base44_and_m2w64-ucrt The markdown output can be added to an Issue for tracking purposes.

Then, we need to first go through the Updating pinnings workflow (while ensuring Bioconductor packages DO NOT have their build numbers updated). This ensures the non-BioConductor packages are built for the new version of R.

Then we can proceed with updating Bioconductor packages:

  1. Follow the Merge master into bulk step in Managing a bulk run.

  2. Identify the latest BioConductor version, and update all BioConductor recipes in the bulk branch with the following. This will take time because there are thousands of Bioconductor recipes, and the tarballs are downloaded for all of them:

    bioconda-utils bioconductor-skeleton update-all-packages --bioc-version $BIOC_VERSION
  3. The bioconductor-data-packages will have changed with the URLs to data packages. Manually bump the version to match the current date reflect this.

  4. Commit and push the changes.

Then continue following the steps in Managing a bulk run.


Sometimes BioConductor packages get updated shortly after release, and the originally-released version is removed. This may happen before the bulk branch builds the version originally specified by the bioconductor-skeleton run, which results in errors trying to download the source.

In such cases, run bioconda-utils bioconductor-skeleton <PackageName> --force to update it. If it was a data package, then you will need to manually bump the version of bioconductor-data-packages as well.

Handling build failures

Build failures are stored in a file build_failure.<arch>.yaml next to each failing recipe. These are committed back to the bulk branch after every failed recipe with the --record-build-failures argument. You can list all build failures stored in the current branch of bioconda-recipes via the command bioconda-utils list-build-failures recipes config.yml. This reads the yaml files from failing recipes, and prints a table on stdout that will be sorted by the number of dependencies and package downloads, which should help for prioritizing the fixing work.

Since the list-build-failures command can take time to run, it is often more convenient to search the build logs for the latest bulk run. Useful search strings are:

  • BUILD FAILED for generic failures

  • failed linting for linting errors

  • TEST FAILED for mulled-build failures

Or, inspect the git log to see what build failures were added in the last day:

The build failure files look like this by default:

recipe_sha: 37fa4d78a2ee8b18065a0bd0f594ad1e9587bb4ac7edf1b4629a9f10fa45d0a5  # The shas256 hash of the recipe at which it failed to build.
skiplist: false # Set to true to skiplist this recipe so that it will be ignored as long as its latest commit is the one given above.
log: |2-
  <the logging output of the failed build>

If a failed recipe is a leaf (i.e., it is not a dependency for any other recipe), then it WILL be automatically skiplisted (skiplist: true) due to the --skiplist-leafs argument, and need to be handled later.

Based on this log, you can decide whether and how the recipe can be fixed or skiplisted for fixing it later. To help others in the future, add information in the “reason” field if you have any ideas of where to start fixing the package.

You can manually edit the build failure yamls, or use the command line tool:

bioconda-utils annotate-build-failures \
  -c 'dependency issue' \
  -r 'package xyz needs to be added to conda-forge' \
  -s \

Which will make the build failure look like this:

recipe_sha: 37fa4d78a2ee8b18065a0bd0f594ad1e9587bb4ac7edf1b4629a9f10fa45d0a5  # The shas256 hash of the recipe at which it failed to build.
skiplist: true # Set to true to skiplist this recipe so that it will be ignored as long as its latest commit is the one given above.
log: |2-
  <the logging output of the failed build>
category: |-
  dependency issue
reason: |-
  package xyz needs to be added to conda-forge

Any update to the meta.yaml automatically de-skiplists it, because the skiplist entry is only valid together with the hash listed in the first line.

It is possible to further annotate and even manually create build failure records via the bioconda-utils CLI. Check out all possibilities in the corresponding help message:

bioconda-utils annotate-build-failures --help

Skiplisted recipes from the master branch are automatically displayed in a wiki page, so that others can pick them up for providing a fix. Failures that only exist on the Bulk branch, but not on the master branch, are displayed on this wiki page. Note that this page is only updated when a build failure yaml file is updated and the commit message does not contain “[ci skip]”.

Notes on working with bulk branch

Some unordered notes on working with the bulk branch:

  • Remember that successfully-built packages are immediately pushed to Anaconda.

  • Use --subdag-depth (see visualization in #950) to restrict what is built, especially in early stages. This will hopefully reduce the frequency of recipes skiplisted only because their dependencies happened to not get built yet due to being on a different worker.

  • Bulk migrations can take weeks. Plan accordingly.

  • The bulk branch has fail-fast: false set to allow parallel jobs to progress as much as possible. If multiple people trigger a bulk run, jobs will run simultaneously and likely will do duplicate work. Whichever worker successfully pushes a package first wins and the other will fail when trying to push. So there is no danger to the channel, it’s just poor use of CI resources.

  • The logs are awkward to read and hard to find exactly where failures occur. One way to do this is to go to the bottom where there is a report of which packages failed. This report is shown when a bulk job goes to completion (rather than timing out). Then search for that package backwards through the log. You can also look for the broad structure of the log: recipes with nothing to do will be reported in a short stanza, so you can use those as structural markers to indicate where there’s no useful log info.

  • Here are some search strings to help narrow down issues: * BUILD FAILED for generic failures * failed linting for linting errors * TEST FAILED for mulled-build failures

  • Instead of using the search functionality in the CI logs, download the raw log (from gear menu at top right) to use your browser search functionality, which is often much easier to use (for example, Chrome shows occurrences of search term throughout the document in the scrollbar, which makes digging for the actual error a lot easier).

  • You may see a lot of output for Python packages in particular. To determine whether the recipe needs to be built, we need to compute the hash for the build string. This in turn requires figuring out all the dependencies to see which of them are pinned and then using those to calculate a hash. This needs to be done for each version of Python that we support. So it may appear that it’s doing a lot of work for packages that don’t need to be rebuilt, but that work needs to be done simply to figure out if a rebuild is needed, and so this is expected.

  • For linux-64, osx-64, and osx-arm64 the bulk runs take place on GitHub Actions, and the configuration is in .github/workflows/Bulk.yml. For linux-aarch64, the builds take place on CircleCI and the configuration is in .circleci/config.yml.

  • Jobs time out at 6 hours on GitHub Actions and 1 hour on Circle CI. These limits are likely to be hit early in the process. If the timeout is reached, wait for all jobs to complete (pass, fail, or timeout), and trigger a new run.

  • You may end up with a lot of skiplisted leaf packages – especially from packages whose dependencies were not built yet because they were on a different worker. --subdag-depth (described above) can help with this. On one hand, merging these into master will let others in the community contribute (remember, only core team can push to branch). But on the other hand, removing the build failure yamls later on during a bulk migration can take advantage of the bulk branch’s resources. Currently, you’ll need to manually find the build failures to try to remove which can be time-consuming, so work out the best balance for yourself.